DEEn De - En
DeEs De - Es
DePt De - Pt
 Vocabulary trainer


Since 1995 our online dictionary has offered you German <> English translations: fast, efficient, user-friendly and, of course, free. Today you're able to find:

  • More than 976,000 word translations German-English, with examples, synonyms, and grammatical hints
  • More than 320,000 word translations German-Spanish, with usage and grammatical hints, thanks to
  • More than 44,000 word translations German-Portuguese, with usage and grammatical hints. The special subject of geology is based on
    Paech, Hans-Jürgen, Schmidt, Wolfgang, Nestler, Helmut & Wittig, Manfred (1988): Geowissenschaftliches Wörterbuch, Dicionário geocientífico, Deutsch - Portugiesisch, Alemão - Português, 246 pages, printed at the Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR (Veröffentlichung des Zentralinstituts für Physik der Erde, Nr.98, Teil 1)
    (with kind support of the Interdisziplinäres Ökologisches Zentrum (IÖZ) der TU Bergakademie Freiberg and
  • More than 320,000 definitions of English words with synonyms, antonyms, and explanations, based on WordNet and other DICT dictionaries
  • More than 63,000 synonyms of German words,, based on the OpenThesaurus project
  • More than 1,333,000 German-English, 1,292,000 German-Spanish, and 1,294,000 German-Portuguese example sentences, thanks to Goethe institute and the DGT Multilingual Translation Memory of the European Union
  • More than 14,000 English, 7,000 German, and 10,000 Spanish quotes and aphorisms from well-known and less-known persons (based on Linux fortune)
  • German and American pronunciation to listen to, created by native speakers
  • Serveral word lists for special themes
  • Conversion of physical units
  • Further explanations and examples for English search results you'll find by clicking a word with the help of the "Macmillan Dictionary - Online English Dictionary and Thesaurus".
  • The Word division (by syllables) of German words is provided by OWID / elexiko


We chose the Beo (German for Hill Myna) as our symbol, because this amazing bird is a very communicative one, gathering and imitating words and noises. The word "Beo" comes from Indonesia and means "chatterbox". In South-Eastern Asia, the Beo is well known as a really communicative buddy, which talks a lot to its companions. You can find more information at

Our goals

We want to upgrade and enhance the Chemnitz University online dictionary for our users and will always be very thankful for any kind of support.

Expansion of pronunciation:
You appreciate this already, as you have been able to listen to important English words for more than six month. Now we have started to add German pronunciation. As before, it is considered settled: We will only utilize native speakers; we do not use any computer-generated vocalizations.
Learning functions:
You already know this, too: Learning a foreign language means practising. We want to support you with new functions.
Teamwork with you:
From the beginning teamwork with you - our users - was very important to us. Actually, your contributions were essential for the extension and the improvement of the vocabulary. We want to continue this teamwork with you. Currently, we are working on improving contribution possibilities.
More languages:
We plan to offer translations in other languages and are right now looking for opportunities in this area.
Renewal of technique:
Since our main desire is to allow you to find translations even faster, we have installed three new servers.
And finally, to finance these improvements we will work together with advertising partners, who will offer you products and services. These offers will always fit into the context of language-learning. All advertising revenues will be used for the further development of the BEOLINGUS Dictionary at Chemnitz University.

Press information (in German)


Organisation, technology, and integration - contact:
Stefan Gleis
Frank Richter
Michael Krowas, Melissa Streidl, Jürgen and Beate
English Language & Linguistics, TU Chemnitz
Prof. Dr. Josef Schmied
Dr. Haase
Dr. Weißer
Diana Lohse
Conny Neubert
Claudia Lucia Stan
Wang Ye
Sascha Schmidt
Anja Bellinger
Janine Pecher
Interdisziplinäres Ökologische Zentrum (IÖZ) der TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Prof. Dr. Jörg Matschullat
Hermann Bertlein †
Übersetzungsbüro Beate Otto


Since 1995, Frank Richter has been building up and supporting this online dictionary. The German-English word list is © 1995-2023 Frank Richter and available at GNU General Public License.

The development of this online service would have been impossible without your energetic support. Thanks for new translations, corrections, suggestions, and for your motivating feedback.

Many thanks for your help. We hope, you will continue to assist us in the future, too.

and to many others!

Your feedback: